Salvadori Center Outreach

MdeAS is proud to partner with Salvadori Center to introduce students K-12 to the field of architecture. Salvadori’s mission is to teach science, technology, engineering, arts/architecture, and math (STEAM) to all students through a collaborative, hands-on, project-based approach.

Salvadori has a vision to:

  • Make STEAM intellectually accessible for all learners

  • Increase students’ comprehension of grade-level STEAM

  • Provide students with culturally relevant STEAM learning (leaders & examples)

  • Help all students see themselves as successful in STEAM

  • Foster appreciation for, and interest in, STEAM degrees and careers

During their visit, the students started by drawing blind contour portraits of one another on trace paper to illustrate the drafting process. Next, the students rotated stations introducing them to architectural plans, different materials and how they relate to design, and the various tools used in architecture including Rhino and 3D printing.

We hope the experience provided insight into the practice of architecture and we look forward to continuing this partnership with Salvadori Center.

To learn more about Salvadori Center and its initiatives, click here.


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