MdeAS On-Site: 200 Park Avenue

MdeAS On-Site provides the opportunity for employees to experience MdeAS projects first-hand and learn from the designer who brought the space to life.

200 Park Avenue’s MdeAS On-Site Tour is led by Associate Linh Ðàm. Linh walks us through the grand passageway connecting 200 Park to Grand Central Station, up to the mezzanine level featuring the new visitor reception lobby, through the Vanderbilt lobby, and outside to the 45th Street entrance.

Linh discusses our work which includes the recreation of Josef Albers’ “Manhattan” mural, rejuvenation of the entirety of the building’s multi-level lobby with new cloud lighting highlighting the silver travertine walls, and restoration of Richard Lippold’s “Flight” sculpture.

Learn more about 200 Park Avenue here.


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